The Hoplà cream in the fuchsia packaging is the cream that in my opinion, at the moment (in Italy), whips best of all. Finding it, however, is not always so simple. So I did a survey to understand where you buy it in different parts of Italy and these are your answers:
Online Stores
HERE you can find the entire Hoplà line
while HERE the Professional Cream (a valid alternative to Hoplà)
- Esselunga
- Carrefour
- Conad
- Sole365
- GrandEté
- Emisfero
- Ipercoop
- Coop
- Iper tosano (most voted)
- IperLando
- Martinelli
- Dem
- Italmark
- Iperal
- Mercató
- Catering
- Metro
- Tiger
- Family
- Tigros
- Granmercato
- Gala
- Agorà
- Interspar
- Iper Rossetto
- Aliper
- Oasi
- Etè
- Il gigante
- Decò
- Poli
- Dok
- Pam
- Pewex
- Castoro
- Di meglio
My advice, when you find it at the supermarket, stock up, if you can't find it, buy it online and order as many pieces as possible, it will expire after about 1 year so you have time to use it.